Archive | May 2013

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Pocket handkerchief gardens

One of the joys of living in an inner city suburb is walking around different neighbourhoods and seeing how different spaces have developed. One common issue is making an inviting garden space when space is severely limited. That’s where pocket handkerchief gardens shine. Some are formal like an old fashioned embroidered handkie, others like this […]

Pocket handkerchief gardens

One of the joys of living in an inner city suburb is walking around different neighbourhoods and seeing how different spaces have developed.

What I plan to write about.

Marvelous Melbourne,  of course. Things to do and see, and how to do and see them of course. I am a big believer in public transportation, so will also cover how to get around without a car. Of course if I attract any readers I hope the will suggest topics too. But that will either […]